Most Influential Rock Artists…

Arguably the four most influential rock artists of all time… The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and Elvis Presley.

The Beatles are the textbook of influential rock artists.  The start of modern pop rock as we know it today and still the bar by which all others are measured.  The fact that they are still the number one selling artists of all time is a testament to their music.  Their music encapsulated infectious melodies and grooves with Middle Eastern and classical influences and psychedelic musings.

Bob Dylan was a poet first and foremost, a singer/songwriter by choice.  He was even quoted as saying “I consider myself a poet first and a musician second.  I live like a poet and I’ll die like a poet.”  His lyrics and songwriting skills were genius and his voice like none other. His music embraced blues, rock, folk, country and even gospel but it was his words that embraced us all.  He was and still is the classic American songwriter.

Jimi Hendrix left this world much too soon, dying at the tender age of 27.  It’s unfathomable to think what more he could have accomplished, had he lived longer as well as just how influential he was even though he died at such an early age.  He was the first “guitar hero” and modern day “rock star”.  He changed not only how the guitar could be played but also how the guitar could sound.  With the release of his first album, “Are You Experienced?”, he took the world by storm and 45 years later, he still is the most influential rock guitar player of all time.

Then there’s Elvis Presley.  The start of it all.  The first rock icon and pop idol.  He paved the way for others to follow including The Beatles.  Even though he didn’t write his own lyrics or music, he delivered with performances that wooed and shocked audiences alike.  He was and still is “The King”.

Here are four classic photos of these artists who changed modern day rock music.

~ by TYR Photo on January 11, 2012.

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