Asparagus… Simply Delicious!

I love asparagus.  It’s one of my favorite vegetables and compliments fantastically with one of my favorite things to eat, a nice, thick, juicy steak.  Make mine a well marbled ribeye or a porterhouse, at least two pounds, three pounds even better.  I’m a glutton when it comes to a great steak.

Whether asparagus is grilled, steamed or braised, it’s simply delicious and good for you as well.  Who really cares if your pee stinks to high heaven?  In fact, when did urine ever smell good?

Here is one of my favorite ways to serve asparagus aside from grilling it with brushed garlic infused extra virgin olive oil.

Here I take four stalks of asparagus and peel them to uniform size, leaving about 2″ from top left unscathed.  They’re braised in chicken stock, salted and served with a nice Béarnaise sauce, a sliver of prosciutto, aged balsamic and parsley olive oil.  Simply delicious!

~ by TYR Photo on January 20, 2012.

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