Running Man “런닝맨” In Garosugil “가로수길” (Seoul, Korea)

Running Man “런닝맨” is a family oriented variety TV program that is in it’s third year of airing on SBS in Korea and is one of the most popular shows currently on TV.  The main host and MC of the show is Yu Jae Suk “유재석”, a famous Korean comedian.  The show revolves around seven of it’s main cast members which include, Yu Jae Suk “유재석”, Gary “개리”, Ha-Ha “하하”, Ji Suk Jin “지석진”, Kim Jong Kook “김종국”, Lee Kwang Su “이광수” and Song Ji Hyo “송지효”, it’s only current female cast member.  The format of the show is based on completing a series of missions whereby a team or individual is either rewarded with prizes and/or the losers are punished, usually in a comical way.

While we were walking around Garosugil “가로수길”, we chanced upon the filming of an episode for Running Man “런닝맨” and I was able to snap a few shots off as crowds started gathering and security was keeping the area blocked off.  Due to the number of people in front of me, I had to put the camera in multi-shot mode and hold the camera as high as possible and shoot blindly to capture some of the shots below.

Garosugil “가로수길” is a small district in Sinsa-Dong “신사동”, a part of Gangnam “강남” and is reminiscent of SoHo in New York City with small streets filled with cafes, bars, restaurants, galleries, boutiques and other various shopping stores.  It’s dominated by younger, fashionable people who are there to shop, eat, drink and walk around.

~ by TYR Photo on April 7, 2013.

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